Crypto, web3, metaverse, etc.

Personal thoughts & reading list

On this page, I document my evolving thoughts on “crypto,” “web3,” etc., as well as most of the sources I have read so far to make up my mind on these topics. While I recognise the former won’t be of much interest to others, I hope that the brief introduction at the beginning of this document and the reading list further below benefits those who haven’t already made up their mind.

Balanced view or balancing act?

Many observes of the world of “crypto” have already made up their mind. There are those loudly promoting investment opportunities, thus feeding what some may refer to as yet another crypto-related “ponzi scheme.” Then there are those shouting from on the other side of the fence, highlighting everything they believe is wrong with crypto/web3.

A good start is to “follow the money” … It is not difficult to see how vocal proponents on both side of the fence benefit from taking (and promoting) a strong position. A ponzi scheme exists so that those already in it benefit financially from those joining it. It is perhaps not unfair to assume that most crypto promoter expect to gain financially from what they promote. But those taking a strong position against crypto/web3 also benefit financially, either directly or by building and promoting their personal brand, which is then monetised through speaker fees and/or advertising on social media. Building a personal brand becomes much easier when one takes a dogmatic position, as opposed to a pragmatic one. As someone who strongly believes in pragmatism, I continue to think it is important that we take a balanced view on most things technology-related; especially those where the jury is still “out there” in terms of the potential to become either a net positive or net negative.

The case against “crypto”

For those still unsure about the current state of “crypto,” I recommend to begin with four videos. While each video is clearly aimed at people without a particular enthusiasm for the topic, they have in common that they explain the ideas/concepts/technologies they are criticising.

The first is a short talk by Andrew Keen on the promise of crypto:


The remaining three videos are also worth watching in full–but be warned … they are long!

1h 41min 2h 18min 1h 05min

Key criticism:

“Cryptocurrency is a socially destructive experiment.” –Dan Olson

Like many “dot-com” projects during the late 1990s, many crypto projects are scams and should be called out as such. These are often bred by euphoria, which appears to be widespread amongst the community of those advocating crypto-related products and services. (A good resource to stay up-to-date on the dangers of getting actively involved in the space is the “Web3 is going just great” website.)

The case for “crypto”

Clearly, there is a lot in the world that deserves to be criticised, including many crypto-related projects and even some of the technologies being developed. (In fact, as of November 2022, one may be forgiven for thinking that the number of crypto projects, products, and services that have harmed those not on the “inside” (i.e., retail investors), is increasing exponentially.) Despite this, I try to maintain a healthy respect for those building stuff, perhaps for the simple fact that I never managed to built much myself.

Of course, building stuff is hard and, at times, even those building what we disagree with and/or believe could result in harm deserve credit for trying. In fact, I may be reasonably described as an ageing pessimist, but even I assume that most software engineers prefer to build what benefits users rather than what harms them. Moreover, we can only criticise them and their creations because they have build them in the first place. This also applies to my deeply held disdain for social media. I am confident that, at least for the first couple of years of their existence, most people employed at those social media firms were not trying to build something intentionally harmful.

Should you have made it through the first set of videos, I recommend looking at three more. These have in common that they are (a) much shorter (I leave it to you to ponder on that), and (b) more optimistic about the potential of “web3” and/or the “metaverse”:

Well, “optimistic” is perhaps not the best way to describe these videos; they are very different. While the first one (left) aims to offer a fairly nuanced introduction to “web3,” including putting it into a historic perspective, the second video (centre) is an example of a bullish case for the “metaverse;” and perhaps the kind of video münecat and Dan Olson had in mind when they prepared their critical reflections. The third video (right) is an interview with a prominent figure in the “crypto”/“blockchain” space. While I must admit that I am not entirely comfortable with the atmosphere this conference appears to emanate, I usually enjoy listening to people explaining their rationale for what they have helped to create.

Reading list

Beyond these videos, there are many more sources worth evaluationg. The following list documents what I have read and felt worth keeping a record of. While I haven’t added anything I didn’t find useful while thinking about these topics, many won’t be of interest to most people. (Articles and discussions by investors and/or marketers are a case in point.)

A word of warning: This page remains work in progress. I use keywords to generate headings and sub-headings for this list. I often assign more than one keyword to a source, which I do on purpose. What I don’t do on purpose is attached the wrong keyword to a source. But it happens, with the consequence that a source ends up under a headline it doesn’t belong to. I remain hopeful that I will spot these mistakes over time. (Please email suggestions on how to improve this list.)



Voshmgir, Shermin (2018). Web3, blockchain, cryptocurrency: a threat or an opportunity? YouTube channel. URL: (visited on Apr. 15, 2022).


BTC Studios (2017). Trustlessness in action: Particl’s model. Bitcoin Magazine. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Buterin, Vitalik (2021). Why sharding is great: Demystifying the technical properties. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Dixon, Chris and Packy McCormick (2022). “There’s more to crypto than currency”. In: The Economist (The World In 2022 Supplement) 442, p. 130.

Finley, Klint (2014). Out in the open: Teenage hacker transforms web into one giant Bitcoin network. WIRED. URL: (visited on Jan. 11, 2022).

Hyatt, John (2021). Decoding crypto: What it is, how it works, and how to get started. Nasdaq. URL: (visited on Jan. 10, 2022).

Yang, Stephanie (2018). Want to keep up with Bitcoin enthusiasts? Learn the lingo. The Wall Street Journal. URL: (visited on Jan. 11, 2022).


Diehl, Stephen (2021a). Bitcoin: The postmodern ponzi. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

--- (2021b). Blockchainism. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

--- (2021c). The case against crypto. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Dillinger, Ray (2020). [Cryptography] Bitcoin is a disaster. Cryptography mailinglist at Metzger, Dowdeswell & Co. LLC. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Fulwood, Alice (2022). “High five, DeFi: Decentralised finance is booming. But it has yet to find its purpose”. In: The Economist (The World In 2022 Supplement) 442, pp. 123-124.

Hoffman, Reid (2021). Human nature in vices and virtues: An Adam Smith approach to building internet ecosystems and communities. Knight Foundation. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Keen, Andrew (2022). The promise of crypto? DLDconference YouTube channel. URL: (visited on Aug. 29, 2022).

McGinty, Patrick (2022). Everywhere in blockchains. The Baffler. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Nolan, Hamilton (2022). The ticking bomb of crypto fascism. In these Times. URL: (visited on Jan. 28, 2022).

Rizzo, Jessica (2022). The Dune NFT fiasco Is the least of crypto’s legal worries. WIRED. URL: (visited on Jan. 22, 2022).

Stoller, Matt (2021). Cryptocurrencies: A necessary scam? BIG by Matt Stoller. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

The Financial Diet (2022). Hank Green on cryptocurrency, Big Tech censorship, & online radicalization. YouTube channel. URL: (visited on Apr. 12, 2022).

Zachariadis, Markos, Garrick Hileman, and Susan V. Scott (2019). “Governance and control in distributed ledgers: Understanding the challenges facing blockchain technology in financial services”. In: Information and Organization 29.2, pp. 105-117. DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2019.03.001.


Garc'ia-Monleón, Fernando, Ignacio Danvila-del-Valle, and Francisco J. Lara (2021). “Intrinsic value in crypto currencies”. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, p. 120393. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120393.


Cagigas, Diego, Judith Clifton, Daniel Diaz-Fuentes, et al. (2021). “Blockchain for public services: A systematic literature review”. In: IEEE Access 9, pp. 13904-13921. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3052019.

Daley, Sam (2021). 15 companies utilizing blockchain in music to reshape a changing industry. builtin. URL: (visited on Feb. 08, 2022).

Schuetz, Sebastian and Viswanath Venkatesh (2020). “Blockchain, adoption, and financial inclusion in India: Research opportunities”. In: International Journal of Information Management 52, p. 101936. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.04.009.

Steinmetz, Fred, Marc von Meduna, Lennart Ante, et al. (2021). “Ownership, uses and perceptions of cryptocurrency: Results from a population survey”. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 173, p. (online first). DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121073.


Elliott, Stacy (2022). Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin muses on crypto-skeptic letter to Washington. Decrypt. URL: (visited on Aug. 11, 2022).


Dixon, Chris and Packy McCormick (2021). Chris Dixon and Packy McCormick on the future of crypto. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2022).

Galash, Maxim (2022). Web3 is not dead. Here’s what the crypto space will look like in 2030. Fortune. URL: (visited on Aug. 11, 2022).

Mims, Christopher (2022). Adam Neumann’s `goddess nature token’ is the future of crypto-for better or worse. The Wall Street Journal. URL: (visited on Aug. 11, 2022).

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Van Vliet, Ben (2018). “An alternative model of Metcalfe’s Law for valuing Bitcoin”. In: Economics Letters 165, pp. 70-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2018.02.007.


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Rauchs, Michel, Andrew Glidden, Brian Gordon, et al. (2018). Distributed ledger technology systems: A conceptual framework. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3230013.

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Personal thoughts

Most of those I regularly interact with have already made up their mind on “crypto” and “web3” … they either don’t like it or don’t see a reason for using it. This isn’t surprising given that the practical utility of web3 products and services remains limited, they tend to be difficult to use, and the wider cryptoe scene riddled with scams. This reminds me of a joke about Apple Computer during the 1990s: “Everyone knows Apple … what people know is that they don’t want one.” In other words, Apple had enormous brand recognition but very little market share. What people wanted was Microsoft Windows. Joking aside, I agree with much of the concerns around “crypto” and can’t think of a reason why I would, at this point, recommend anyone in my family to get involved. Having said that, it hasn’t stopped me from getting involved. While some may mock blockchain as “a slow database,” I see a lot of potential in a public ledger. Moreover, I consider the possibility of a decentralised internet that is owned and maintained by users very appealing, and am not particularly concerned that it may not be realistic to assume that it will ever become a reality. In the following, I would like to explain my reasons. As this document isn’t one that I expect anyone else to read, the thoughts expressed here remain, for the time being at least, an attempt to help me clarify why involvement in the space.

A photo forwarded to me by a friend. I was told Elon Musk posted it on Twitter in early 2022.

The potential to replace Web 2.0

My main argument for being involved in crypto/web3 is that it has the potential to develop into a net positive for individuals, as well as for society more broadly. Let me explain. My interests and concerns have always been with personal data, privacy, and how the use of personal data impacts our ability to be who we want to be. While I appreciate that “Web 2.0,” the so-called “social web,” offers convenience, distractions, and opportunities for self promotion, I personally never had much use for it. Moreover, I have come to realise over the years that social media has proven to be what I consider a “net negative” for society where positive effects do not outweigh detrimental ones. In other words, the convenience, distractions, and opportunity for self promotion that is made possible by social media do not outweigh the bullying, harassment, and racism enabled by those platforms. While social media services are free (as in “free beer”), they compete for their user’s attention, which research showns leads to a wide variety of harmful consequences.

While Web 2.0 has become a prime example of a technology that has done more harm to society than it has benefited society, this isn’t (yet) the case with “web3.” To me, it remains an appealing paradigm shift as it attempts to leave “Web 2.0” behind. Futile perhaps, but an attempt nevertheless. That is not to deny that the current crypto/web3 scene is riddled with hype, deception, and scams. As bad as this is (and it is bad), it should not lead us to conclude that crypto and web3 cannot make a positive contribution to society. Even the digital conglomerates who brought us Web 2.0 did not started with the intention to harm society. Quite the contrary in fact. I am sure that most of them shared the tech startup mantra of “making the world a better place.” Over time, these startups turned into today’s digital conglomerates … and got greedy. Greed and harm also exist in “crypto land,” where it is limited, despite the press coverage, by the fact that very few people use it. (Even the recent FTX disaster isn’t a Lehman-like event. “Crypto land” is simply to small for that.) In contrast to “crypto land,” “social media land” is huge. Greed and harm exists there, too, albeit on a much larger scale, thus causing much more harm to society. Why? Because digital conglomerates have learned to use their power to shape our economy, political landscape, and much of society.

My conclusion from this is that greed and harm in “crypto land” isn’t an argument against it’s potential to become a net positive. Instead, it is an opportunity to learn from it while it’s impact is only felt by very few people. The detrimental effects from social media are felt by many people across the world. The opportunity I see is that learning from those mistakes means that it is possible for web3 to avoid going down the path of Web 2.0 as a net negative. A net negative beyond repair. As much as I hope that web3 one day replaces Web 2.0, I don’t think it’s very likely. The power of digital conglomerates is now so huge that they will deliver every benefit web3 startups may come up with. Instead of DeFi (decentralised finance), we will get financial services offered by digital conglomerates. Instead of self-sovereign ownership of our personal data, such as our medical records, we will see Microsoft or others working directly with healthcare providers to manage them for us. None of which is a reason not to try.

A comparison with the early web

My optimism originates from the comparison of web3 to the original web of the 1990s, which remains one of the most convincing example of a net positive technology. While changes brought about by web3, positive or negative, won’t be anywhere near that scale, my argument remains that, in contrast to Web 2.0, web3 hasn’t failed society yet. Individual players in the space have already failed, with many more to follow, but once again, the idea of web3 hasn’t failed yet. Many of the same happened during the early days of the web, which developed and got better. For the time being at least, web3 is still in the running to follow that path, rather than that of Web 2.0, and thus to develop into a net positive for society.

In a recent episode of the Pivot podcast, Scott Galloway mentioned that, in contrast to the early web, crypto/web3 doesn’t have that many users. In other words, the euphoria around the early web was not only based on potential, but also on the fact that many people already used it. This is where the comparison between web3 and the early web ends. Perhaps web3 may forever remain a nice idea without users and thus without consequence. Still, that shouldn’t distract us from the potential. Consequently, I am less concerned about what’s wrong with crypto and web3 today or the number of people using it. While this is important so that we can learn from past mistakes, my focus remains with what’s wrong with Web 2.0, what could replace it, and, perhaps most importantly, the power it has given digital conglomerates. (Their power is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that both sides of the “crypto debate” use social media to promote their ideas, as well as themselves. It makes me smile when I see those calling out the crypto/web3 space relying on social media platforms to do so.)

The analogy I am currently exploring is that between web3 and the community memory project established during the early 1970s. I first came across this project from one of the books I read on the influence 1960s counterculture had on personal computing. At a time when access to computers was limited to the military, banks, and other large institutions, the idea of giving ordinary citizens access to it was revolutionary.

evan p. cordes from I A M A H O B O, etats unis, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

In community memory, users could access content for free, but had to pay for posting messages. This is very different from social media networks competing for their user’s attention, where writing is free, but reading is paid for with attention that can be monetised. I plan to develop this comparison more fully in the future. For now, I maintain the hope, as unlikely as it may be, that once the dust settles, crypto, web3, et al. will play a role in overcoming at least some of the problems caused by the surveillance capitalism of social networks. “Famous final words” I hear you say? Well, “what could possibly go wrong?”